Questions surrounding Pritchard's future have trickle-down effect

Questions surrounding the future of Portland Trail Blazers general manager Kevin Pritchard are having a trickle-down effect on two key organizational members: Michael Born, director of NBA scouting, and Chad Buchanan, director of college scouting.

Born and Buchanan are viewed by Pritchard as essential components of Portland’s widely praised scouting system, and the duo have sat side by side with the GM during recent draft workouts.

But while Pritchard is under contract through at least 2010-11, Born and Buchanan hold contracts that will expire June 30.

Sources close to the situation say that the Blazers have made an effort to re-sign Born and Buchanan.

But uncertainty regarding Pritchard’s future, combined with the demands of preparing for the draft, have left the scouts in limbo.

Moreover, if Pritchard is fired after the draft — as some reports have predicted — Born and Buchanan will be forced to weigh their longtime friendship with Pritchard against their loyalty to the Blazers and personal lives in the regional community.

“They’re so foundational to what we’ve done, and hopefully they will be in the future,” Pritchard said.

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