Bulls vs. Blazers NBA Podcast: Bulls and Blazers

(AP Photo/Ben Margot)

(AP Photo/Ben Margot)

On an NBA-less Monday we bring you a new episode of the Bulls vs. Blazers NBA Podcast where Sean and I actually talked about the two teams we cover on a regular basis. Things are getting interesting for the Blazers and the Bulls right now and both teams just played in back to backs. Sean was with the Bulls in Chicago and in Milwaukee over the weekend. The Blazers are a 1/2 game back of the Grizzlies for the fifth seed in the West while the Bulls are two games out of the playoffs in the Eastern Conference.

We discussed the Blazers chances in a potential series against the Clippers, which seems imminent. There was also some news last week that the Bulls may be interested in trading Jimmy Butler. We get Sean’s take on how viable he thinks a trade of Butler would be and whether they would really look to move their best player.

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We also briefly touched on the news that 19-year old Thon Maker will skip college and declare for the 2016 NBA Draft. Maker is on the World Team for the Nike Hoop Summit in Portland this week. It will be interesting to see how he’s improved. We will talk more about him declaring for the draft and what it means later on in the week.

As always you can follow the Bulls vs. Blazers NBA Podcast on SoundcloudiTunes, or Stitcher Radio. Leave us a five star review.


Erik Gundersen

Erik Gundersen

Erik Gundersen is the Trail Blazers beat reporter for The Columbian. He's a graduate of the Allen School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon in addition earning a degree in Spanish. He's covered the NBA for four seasons. You can also occasionally find his work on ESPN.com's NBA section for their TrueCities series. He also fist-bumped with Kanye West once. Follow @BlazerBanter on twitter for more Blazers and NBA news.

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