Bulls vs. Blazers NBA Podcast: Like Mike



We’re back with our midweek edition of the Bulls vs. Blazers NBA Podcast. Sean and I are both well aware that there will be less attention paid to The Association in the next few weeks with everyone looking at their brackets. So we wanted to cover a little bit of news across the league, our network of reality shows and also dig into the 2002 classic “Like Mike,” starring ‘Lil Bow Wow, now known as Shad Moss and executive produced by Adam Silver, now known as the NBA Commissioner.

Before we discussed the place “Like Mike” occupies in history now that it’s 14 years old, we dug into the latest revelations about the “Real Lakers” of Los Angeles and New York. The reason we went with the “Real Lakers” name for the Knicks instead of the “Real Knicks,” is the presence of so many characters from “Real Lakers” past. The latest ESPN feature by Ramona Shelburne reinforces the “Real Lakers of New York” moniker.

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As always you can follow the Bulls vs. Blazers NBA Podcast on SoundcloudiTunes, or Stitcher Radio. Leave us a five star review.


Erik Gundersen

Erik Gundersen

Erik Gundersen is the Trail Blazers beat reporter for The Columbian. He's a graduate of the Allen School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon in addition earning a degree in Spanish. He's covered the NBA for four seasons. You can also occasionally find his work on ESPN.com's NBA section for their TrueCities series. He also fist-bumped with Kanye West once. Follow @BlazerBanter on twitter for more Blazers and NBA news.

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