Bulls vs. Blazers NBA Podcast: Keeping Up With the Kavs

(AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

(AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

Happy Monday, everybody! We have a new Bulls vs. Blazers podcast that we recorded on Sunday afternoon. In light of LeBron’s recent social media storm, we introduced a new reality show on the Bulls vs. Blazers Network, “Keeping Up With the Kavs.” Sean also gives us a report from the Chicago debut for “Making The Band: Houston” and Michael Beasley’s first performance for the Rockets. We recorded during the Warriors loss to the Lakers and both of us still think the Warriors will reach 73 wins.

We also took a deeper look at the 8th seed race in the Eastern Conference and we also talked about Pat Riley and the Miami Heat making another Godfather play in order to save them from the repeater luxury tax.

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As always you can follow the Bulls vs. Blazers NBA Podcast on SoundcloudiTunes, or Stitcher Radio.


Erik Gundersen

Erik Gundersen

Erik Gundersen is the Trail Blazers beat reporter for The Columbian. He's a graduate of the Allen School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon in addition earning a degree in Spanish. He's covered the NBA for four seasons. You can also occasionally find his work on ESPN.com's NBA section for their TrueCities series. He also fist-bumped with Kanye West once. Follow @BlazerBanter on twitter for more Blazers and NBA news.

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