Podcast: Blazer Banter 11-03


On this week’s episode of the Blazer Banter podcast, we covered how the Portland Trail Blazers fared in the first week of the 2015-16 NBA season. The Blazers defeated the Minnesota Timberwolves on Monday 106-101.

Stories covered this week on the podcast are below:

CJ McCollum’s start to the season

Meyers Leonard’s slow start

And a feature story on Allen Crabbe 

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Follow the Blazer Banter podcast on iTunes or on The Columbian’s SoundCloud page.

Intro and outro music from bensound.com.

Erik Gundersen

Erik Gundersen

Erik Gundersen is the Trail Blazers beat reporter for The Columbian. He's a graduate of the Allen School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon in addition earning a degree in Spanish. He's covered the NBA for four seasons. You can also occasionally find his work on ESPN.com's NBA section for their TrueCities series. He also fist-bumped with Kanye West once. Follow @BlazerBanter on twitter for more Blazers and NBA news.

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