Dessert Nachos

First off, sincerest apologies on the tardiness of this post. This past week was one of the craziest weeks, homework-wise, yet that I have had to face this semester but
I. am. back.
So, I created something really fun and delicious and messy to symbolize the final end to my week experiencing The Nightmare on School Street. Nachos are one of life’s many-splendored pleasures. And when I learned how to make cinnamon-sugar tortilla chips, I knew this was the start of something new. Something different. Something revolutionary. Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic but this is a big deal, people. Dessert nachos are the future. So then, what else is next? Dessert hot dogs? Okay, eww. Let’s just stick with the nachos for now.
The first things you need to prepare in order to set things in motion are:
a) melted butter and
b) cinnamon-sugar
Don’t stop to make cinnamon toast! These things serve a different purpose now.
Instead, grab some small flour tortillas and douse brush the tortillas with butter until they are completely covered and shining with lots of finger-lickin’ goodness. I repeat: smother these babies with butter!
Then, grab fistfuls of cinnamon-sugar and violently throw it all over the tortillas, making original, priceless art patterns in the process. Make sure every millimeter of buttered tortilla is glittering with a blanket of sugar! Then, flip ’em over, repeat the buttering-sugaring process, and throw ’em in the oven for 15 minutes until they get a nice, deep tan. These do originate from Mexico anyway.
See what I mean? They got bronzed. And they got crispy and blistered like most people who tan do (Bazinga!). So let them cool and then experience the fun of getting to snap them apart and layer them in a decorative fashion around a plate.
Sorta like this. Now experience the extra-fun part of burying the chips under a mountain of whatever-the-heck-delicious-things-you-want!
I melted some marshmallow crème down and drizzled it on along with some dulce-de-leche sauce (trying faintly to keep with the Mexican theme before I toss on all the American candy). Now, I personally chose to add M&M’s, mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, mini Kit Kat bars, and candy corn (because Howl-Oh-Ween is a-comin’!) but this dessert is one of those completely customizable things that show you have your own personality. Or a great idea would be to take all your Howl-Oh-Ween candy and dump it all right on top!
Ahhhh. Just look at it. Now shove it in your mouth and get it all over your face because YOU deserve THIS. At least, that’s what I told myself.
Dessert Nachos
Source: All Things Sweet original recipe
Yield: 4-6 servings
Cinnamon-Sugar Tortilla Chips:
6 small flour tortillas
1 stick unsalted butter, melted
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 tbsp. ground cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Arrange the tortillas on two baking sheets. Brush one side of each tortilla liberally with melted butter then sprinkle generously with cinnamon-sugar. Flip the tortillas over and repeat the process with the butter and cinnamon-sugar. Bake for 15-17 minutes until browned and crispy. Let cool completely before breaking into chips (you should get about 8 chips per tortilla) and arranging on a plate.
7 oz. jar marshmallow crème
Dulce-de-leche sauce
Assorted candies of choice
Melt the marshmallow crème in a small saucepan over low heat. Drizzle over the chips, followed by the dulce-de-leche sauce. Then, sprinkle on the candy. Serve immediately.