White Chocolate Chunk Brownies

I am an absolute true believer that there’s not much a thick, fudgey brownie and a tall glass of milk can’t fix. I mean, think about it:
Come home after a bad day? Brownie!
Can’t sleep at night? Brownie!
Crying after watching a Nicholas Sparks movie? Brownie!
Need another brownie to wash down your first brownie? Brownie!
See? They work for everything! I propose that everyone should make sure they have a plate of brownies sitting on their kitchen counter at all times. That way, everything would always be right in the world and everyone’s problems would be solved.
And, to make things even better, these brownies I made are smattered with white chocolate in the middle to show that there is always a light in the dark. And because it tastes really, really, good.
Basically, one reason these brownies are so miraculous is because the base is made by melting a ton of chocolate with lots of butter! Try not to pass out at the sound of it. You gotta make it to the end!
Once it’s all melted and has become a brown pool of gloriousness that seems to have a magnetic pull that makes you want to stick your face directly in the pan, you know it’s done! Let it cool slightly while you do the other things your supposed to be doing, not being hypnotized by the warm chocolate in the pan.
And make this really weird, totally unappetizing looking mixture of eggs, coffee, and sugar. Then hurry up and grab that chocolate and butter!
Pour it on into the egg mixture and stir it all together until it looks amazing again!
Now comes the other thing that makes these brownies so good. There’s not much flour that goes into the batter which leaves the brownies super-fudgey and moist. So just sprinkle a little bit in and you’re good to go!
Finally, chop up some white chocolate into big chunks. You want to make sure they can hold their own against the dark richness of the brownie! Then, fold ’em on in.
Pour this delicious batter into a pan, smooth it out evenly, and pop it in the oven. Now here’s something fun: halfway through the baking process, pick up the pan of brownies and smack the pan on the oven rack so any air can escape from underneath the brownies. I think this is a great way of getting out your aggressions while getting perfect brownies out of it!
When a toothpick comes out clean and your brownies look practically perfect in every way (name that movie!), take them out. And I’m sorry to say it but you must endure the torturous process of letting them cool for a while. If you don’t, they’ll just fall apart if you try to cut them into bars. This would actually not be a bad thing if you were making them for yourself; just scooping out some soft, warm brownie with a spoon sounds just fine to me!
When you’ve finally made it to the end, reward yourself and have all the brownies you want! And fear not. Now that you have these chocolatey babies in your possession, you can take on all the challenges of the day. They have your back.
White Chocolate Chunk Brownies
Source: All Things Sweet original recipe
Yield: 10 large brownies
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
8 ounces semisweet chocolate chips
3 ounces bittersweet chocolate
3 eggs, at room temperature
1 ½ tbsp. prepared coffee
1 ½ tbsp. pure vanilla extract
1 ¼ cup sugar
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 ½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
8 ounces white chocolate, chopped into chunks
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter and flour a 8 by 12 by 1 1/2-inch sheet pan.
Melt together the butter, chocolate chips, and the bittersweet chocolate in a medium saucepan over very low heat. Allow to cool slightly. In a large bowl, stir (do not beat) together the eggs, coffee, vanilla, and sugar. Stir the warm chocolate mixture into the egg mixture and allow to cool to room temperature.
In a medium bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, and salt. Add to the cooled chocolate mixture. With a rubber spatula, fold the white chocolate chunks into the batter until evenly distributed. Pour into the prepared sheet pan.
Bake for 20 minutes, then rap the baking sheet against the oven rack to force the air to escape from between the pan and the brownie batter. Bake for about 10 minutes more or until a toothpick comes out clean. Do not overbake! Allow to cool thoroughly, then cut into large squares.