Herrera Beutler backed by law enforcement

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Battle Ground, has received the backing of the Washington State Fraternal Order of Police.
The organization represents 2,600 police officers state-wide. An endorsement letter sent last week cites Herrera Beutler’s support of legislation that creates federal penalty for injuring or killing police officers.
“Your dedication for public safety has shown our members that you will continue to support and advocate for law enforcement, not only in the state of Washington, but throughout this nation,” WAFOP wrote. “Thank you for always supporting the men and women that put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve within the communities they live in.”
Herrera Beutler said she’s honored by the recognition.
“I can’t imagine Southwest Washington communities without these brave men and women who daily put themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe,” she said in a press release. “Every single day, I fight so that Southwest Washington residents can live securely and pursue opportunity, and it’s our law enforcement officers who make sure those rights are protected.”
The endorsement certainly isn’t the first obtained by Herrera Beutler (the Washington State Farm Bureau and the National Federation of Independent Business also make the list), but it’s the first endorsement announcement sent out to the press.