County councilors sign up for committee assignments

The Clark County Council held its annual planning retreat Wednesday. Along with discussing updates to the county charter, rules of procedure and open meetings laws, the councilors also signed up for their 2023 committee and board assignments.
Of the 45 committees and boards needing to be assigned, four required the participation of all five councilors. Those four are the Board of Health, Industrial Revenue Bond Board, Board of Greater Clark Parks District and Emergency Medical Services District Board No. 1.
Council Chair Karen Bowerman tied for the most committee assignments. Bowerman will serve as the primary on 13 additional committees and as the alternate on four others. As the council chair, Bowerman was required to serve on the Emergency Medical Services Districts Board No. 2, Vancouver Library Capital Facilities Area Board, elections Canvassing Board, Emergency Commissioner, Clark County Finance Committee, Identity Clark County, Law Library board of trustees, Mental Health Sales Tax advisory committee and School Advisory Committee.
She will also serve on C-Tran, Regional Transportation Council and Cowlitz Tribal Foundation Clark County Fund.
Vice Chair Gary Medvigy will also be busy in 2023 servicing as the primary on nine additional committees and as alternate on six others. Among Medvigy’s assignments are the Clark County Reserve Officer’s Relief and Pension Board, Arthur D. Curtis Children’s Justice Center, Elder Justice Executive Board, Juvenile Justice Council and Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board.
The council’s newest members, Glen Yung, Michelle Belkot and Sue Marshall, will also have their work cut out for them.
Yung will serve as the primary on six additional boards and committees and as the alternative on nine others.
Among Yung’s assignments are the Mental Health Sales Tax advisory board, Columbia River Economic Development Council board of directors and executive committee, Metropolitan Police Advisory Committee, Urban County Policy Board and Washington State Association of Counties’ board of directors.
Like Yung, Belkot will have to juggle the demands of serving on the council with work and parenting. Belkot was assigned as the primary on nine additional committees and alternate on five others.
Belkot will serve on C-TRAN, Regional Transportation Council, Vancouver Library Capital Facilities Area board, Clark County Reserve Officer’s Relief and Pension Board, School Advisory Committee, Ending Community Homelessness Organization, Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters Disability Board, Regional Toll Advisory Committee, Southwest Washington Clean Air Agency and Washington State Association of Counties legislative steering committee.
Like Bowerman, Marshall will serve as the primary on 13 additional boards and committees. She will serve as alternate on eight others.
Marshall’s assignments include the Discovery Clean Water Alliance, Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities of Southwest Washington, Bi-State Coordination Committee, Clark County Fairgrounds Liaison, North Country Emergency Medical Services board of directors, Southwest Washington Regional Health Care Advisory Committee and Workforce Development Council, among others.
For a full list of the councilor assignments or to watch the planning retreat, go to
— Shari Phiel