County council OK’s employee bonuses

Clark County employees will see a temporary increase in their paychecks thanks to a retention bonus authorized by the county council.
The council unanimously approved the one-time retention bonus at the request of Human Resources Director William Winfield at the council’s June 7 meeting.
“There is a competitive market out there. A retention incentive will not only help the county keep our outstanding staff but will also recognize their efforts and let them know they are valued and respected,” Winfield said.
Winfield said the bonuses will allow the county to meet two important goals. The first is to show the county’s commitment to being a place where employees want to work. The second is to acknowledge that the current competitive labor market makes it difficult to retain workers.
In an email Friday, Winfield said the county has staffing shortages in several departments, including the Clark County Sheriff’s Office, and is still feeling the effects of employee shortages that began with the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Many of our departments have experienced turnover or employees voluntarily resigning since the pandemic. We have experienced high turnover in our Auditor’s office, Assessor’s office, courts, and sheriff’s office,” he said.
Winfield said all regular employees hired before June 1 would receive a one-time $2,000 retention incentive to be paid in two installments. The first installment is $1,500 and the second is $500,
The county was required to meet with its unions and guilds to determine when the bonus payments would be made, he said.
Employees can opt out entirely. Any employee who receives the $1,500 payment then voluntarily leaves employment with the county before the end of the year will have to repay the bonus. If an employee voluntarily leaves employment with the county between Jan. 1, 2023 and June 30, 2023, they will have to repay the second payment of $500.
Employees who are involuntarily or medically separated from employment with the county will not have to repay the retention bonus.
— Shari Phiel