Conservative gathering brings controversial guest speakers to Clark County

This year’s Great Northwest Awakening event hosted by Patriots United is being held Oct. 21 at the Clark County Event Center. The all-day event features conservative pundits, motivational speakers, musicians and comedians.
Among topics to be discussed are medical freedoms, parental rights, government overreach, First Amendment and Second Amendment issues, election integrity and transparency, legal ballot harvesting, and applying pressure to influence legislators and legislation. Also up for discussion is Senate Bill 5599, passed by the state legislature during the 2023 session, which allows youths to receive medical services without parental notification.
The event is being promoted by the Clark County Republican Party and conservative news outlets. Included in the guest speaker lineup are several individuals whose statements concerning election integrity and the COVID-19 virus have been widely discredited and debunked.
Returning for this year’s event is former U.S. Army intelligence officer Seth Keshel from Texas. Keshel, known by many as “Captain K,” has called for a ban on all early voting and requiring all eligible voters in the U.S. to re-register. Keshel has appeared at hundreds of events since 2021 and was behind numerous unsuccessful lawsuits related to the 2020 election. He has called for round-the-clock monitoring of ballot drop boxes and championed armed surveillance of drop boxes in Texas.
Former Ohio math teacher Dr. Douglas Frank is back this year as well. Frank has been called the “Johnny Appleseed of election fraud.” Frank claimed he created an algorithm that proved widespread fraud had occurred during the 2020 election. Mathematicians, statisticians and election experts found significant flaws in Frank’s analysis.
New to the event is Dr. Stella Gwandiku-Ambe Immanuel, a Texas physician and pastor who claimed in 2021 video that hydroxychloroquine was a cure to the COVID-19 virus. In later statements made through her charismatic religious organization called Fire Power Ministries, Immanuel claimed endometriosis, infertility, miscarriage, and sexually transmitted infections are caused by “spirit spouses.” She has also endorsed controversial theories claiming space aliens and the Illuminati are manipulating society and government.
Christian conservative activist and business owner Lindsey Graham is joining the lineup this year. Lindsey, who goes by the name “Patriot Barbie” on social media, is perhaps best known for refusing to close her Salem, Ore., nail salon during the pandemic for which she was fined $14,000 by the state.
Another guest speaker is former Tennessee chiropractor Dr. Bryan Ardis. In a 2020 video, Ardis claimed the antiviral drug remdesivir was a “toxic, deadly drug” purposely used by physicians to poison patients. Ardis also suggested the COVID-19 pandemic was a plot carried out by the Catholic Church and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to poison people with snake venom. Peer-reviewed studies have found treatment with remdesivir to reduce mortality related to the COVID-19 virus. Also, high levels of a naturally occurring enzyme similar to an enzyme found in rattlesnake venom has been tied to increased mortality in some COVID-19 patients.
The day-long event will also feature comedians/political pundits Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) and Bobby Sausalito, better known as Bobby Sauce (@TakeNaps).
Rising country musician and U.S. Army veteran Ryan Weaver will perform. Weaver regularly performs with the Professional Bull Riders. His 2018 EP “Celebrate America” produced the single, “Never Forgotten,” which honors fallen military, law enforcement and first responders.
Arizona country singer Josh Scott is also scheduled to perform. Scott recently released a track titled “Redneck Enough to be Dangerous.”
For more information about the Great Northwest Awakening, or to register, go to