
Pot's slippery slope

!Slippery slope? While many politicos keep their views on pot close to their chest, there's one who's voicing an opinion. After all, the next five months are going to be a whirlwind […]

Pot’s slippery slope

!Slippery slope? While many politicos keep their views on pot close to their chest, there's one who's voicing an opinion. After all, the next five months are going to be a whirlwind […]

Shaken, not stirred

The cover story in today's Weekend section features drink recommendations to ring in 2013. Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt's suggestion? A Kahlua Cockroach. I'll admit that my husband, after he edited the […]

Happy New Year, Clark County Commissioners

It's time for Clark County commissioners to play a New Year's game of musical chairs, sort of like in the unnotable scene from one of the less beloved Peanuts television […]

Gimme Shelter

Vancouver City Councilor Jeanne Harris criticized county commissioners this week for not operating a municipal animal shelter. Oh, how I would have loved it if Commissioner Tom Mielke could have been […]

Kids share their view of Vancouver

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt spent Wednesday morning visiting the Loowit Class (first and second grades) at The Gardner School of Arts and Sciences. A few weeks ago, the students visited Leavitt […]

Clark County voter apathy: From No. 1 to No. 11

We can't even do apathy well. While Clark County had the lowest voter turnout in the August primary, voters here weren't as aggressively apathetic in the November general election. Our turnout […]

Public relations 101

As reporters, we get press releases all the time. They come from all over the place, whether we want them or not. And we know we can't always take them […]

Marc Boldt’s parting gift from C-Tran

Tuesday marked the final C-Tran board meeting of 2012, and the final meeting for Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt as a board member. But Boldt, who was defeated in the November […]

Christmas in the Couv

Local dudes Gary Bock and Jim Mains have a new Vancouver Side video out, "The Christmas Gift," in which they get schooled by Santa on the meaning of holiday. During their […]

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