Willie Loves Hide ‘n Seek

Playtime for Willie, our 6-year-old chocolate lab, always requires some form of “Hide and Seek.” The favorite toy for hiding is his red Kong. Of course if anyone opens the peanut butter jar or slices a piece of cheese, you can rely on Willie’s Kong landing at your feet. It is his subtle way of saying, “Please.” He has always cherished his Kong over all other toys. It provides hours of licking and chewing pleasure and miraculously has not yet been destroyed from these culinary habits.

After a long busy day, I enjoy relaxing for a bit before dinner. As soon as I park my bum in a comfy chair and put on a few tunes, the Kong is dropped at my feet. Willie then runs to the family room to hide his eyes. I reluctantly get up from my place of leisure to oblige in this game of hide ‘n Seek. Willie waits in the back room, and I venture forth throughout the house to find a new hiding place. It becomes quite a challenge since dozens and dozens of hiding places have become easy finds for Willie. It takes some time and creativity to seek out new hiding places — even a little craftiness. I have hidden the Kong wrapped in towels draped over towel bars, hidden in large piles of dirty clothes, stuffed inside couch cushions, and even wedged between clean clothes hanging on a rack in our utility room. It can sometimes take a few extra minutes but the hound always comes through.

“Willie you found your Kong, good boy!”

I must admit, though, I have resorted to trickery on a few occasions due to extreme end-of-day fatigue and brain fog lessening my ability to seek out creative hiding places. I stuff the Kong in my pocket allow him to dart by me and begin his search. I allow this to go on for just a few minutes — 10 tops — then run into the family room and hide it behind the couch. Again Willie finds his Kong but gives me a look of “How d’ya do that? Are ya cheatin’?”

“Your mommy would never condone such tactics!”



Moved to Clark County in 1981. Spent our first year of marriage in Alaska and childhood and college years in Ohio. Happily married for over thirty years raised four dogs, two cats, and one son...life is good!

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