The Clark County Democrats’ 2016 convention last week was chaotic and lasted hours.
The event was scheduled to end by 5 p.m. but ran past 9 p.m.

As Stevie Mathieu reported, it started with a “burst of enthusiasm” but turned to “crankiness for many participants.”

Throughout the state of Washington and surely other states, Democratic caucuses blew past deadlines.

It appears Bernie Sanders’ supporters figured out sometimes people need more than a revolution.

They need pizza.

Enter, socialist pizza!

A Facebook group called just that “socialist pizza” sends pizza to sustain supporters through the night. It’s a smart move to make sure Sanders’ supporters stick it out.

After the caucus, one supporter wrote on the group’s Facebook wall, “Your pizzas were worth it!” and added that Sanders’ earned overwhelming support in Clark County.

Lauren Dake

Lauren Dake covers politics for The Columbian. You can reach her at 360-735-4534 or Follow her on Twitter


Lauren Dake

Lauren Dake covers politics for The Columbian. You can reach her at 360-735-4534 or Follow her on Twitter .

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