Prairie volleyball player gets good news after second opinion on injured arm

Amelia Renner got the good news she was hoping for.

Renner, a junior on the Prairie volleyball team, had been wearing a cast on her left arm since last Wednesday when she was diagnosed with a fracture near her wrist following a painful block in a match Tuesday vs. Kelso.

When initially told the injury would sideline her between three and six weeks, Renner and her family wanted to be sure. So they got a second opinion on Monday.

Renner went to see a pediatric orthopedic specialist, who said what doctors originally diagnosed as a fracture was actually a growth plate in her wrist that had still not quite closed.

So no break.

Renner was diagnosed with a bruised ulna nerve, which can be just as painful, if not more, than a fracture. Think hitting your funny bone over and over.

While the bruised nerve is more painful, it also takes quicker to heal.

Renner had her arm taken out of the cast and she is cleared to resume activity based on how much she tolerates the pain.

Renner attended practice Monday and will take her injury day by day as she monitors the pain.

But it looks like she could be back on the court soon.

That’s a good break for Renner and the Falcons.


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