Ranking schools by state success of athletic programs

Here’s a look at the success rate of each school in the state based on who their athletic program fared in state tournaments and meets over the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school years.

The scoring system works as such

  • 5 points for state championship
  • 4 points for state runner-up
  • 3 points for placing third or fourth
  • 2 points for placing fifth through eighth
  • 1 point for placing ninth to 16th

Schools were awarded points in 17 sports. Sports excluded were tennis, golf, gymnastics and girls bowling. Tennis and golf were excluded because team scoring can be so disproportionately skewed by the success of a single athlete. Gymnastics and bowling excluded because only half schools in state field teams in those sports.

Private schools are listed been bold (I think I got them all).

Schools listed in the classification they competed during the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school year. If school has classification (i.e. 4A or 3A) next it, that means the school has moved to that classification for the cycle beginning the 2016-17 school year.

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