Chocolate Moose Cupcakes

Yup. This is a pun. I was asked to make Chocolate Moose Cupcakes for a friend’s party. I tried to talk her into Chocolate Mousse (super yum, killer for Valentine’s Day etc), but it was not to be. She wanted an actual moose that didn’t look like Christmas reindeer.
Side note- I’m not sure the plural of moose. 1 moose, 2 mooses? I have no idea. Spell check disagrees and it sounds weird either way. Moving on.
Chocolate Moose Cupcakes
Makes 24 cupcakes
- 1 batch of your favorite chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting
- 24 Nutter Butter cookies, regular size
- 1 C milk chocolate chips
- 1 C semi sweet chocolate chips
- 48 miniature pretzels
- 48 edible eyeballs
Line rimmed baking sheet with wax paper.
Dump chocolate into microwave safe bowl. Melt chocolate in 15 second bursts in microwave. Stir until smooth.
Gently dip cookies. I used a fork to turn them over in the melted chocolate. Shake gently to put extra chocolate back in bowl. Set on wax paper.
Immediately stick on eyeballs and set 2 pretzels against the side of the head. I set them curling down. (If you wanted reindeer, set pretzels curling up and add a red chocolate candy for a nose.)
Allow to cool. Carefully remove from pan and stick into cupcakes.
According to Google, the plural of moose used to be mooses but no one uses it anymore. It says if one wishes to be humorous, the plural can be meese. Teehee… Chocolate Meese Cupcakes!