Loowit Brewing to host first anniversary party on Oct. 19

Here’s a message from Devon about Loowit’s first anniversary party!
Vancouver’s Loowit Brewing Company will be celebrating its first year in business by hosting an Anniversary party at the brewery on Saturday, October 19th.
Event hours are from 4 to 10 p.m. and will include a special beer release, merchandise raffle, live music from Laura Ivancie and Wood Fired Pizza provided by Farm to Fire Pizza.
Brewery Location: 507 Columbia Street, Vancouver, WA 98660
Special Beer Release: A Strong Ale aged 4 months in Jack Daniels oak barrels and Shadow Ninja IPA in 22 oz bottles.
Live Music: Laura Ivancie (http://lauraivancie.com)
Food: Farm to Fire Pizza (http://www.farmtofirepizza.com)
For more information check out: http://www.loowitbrewing.com