Cardio Training

Workouts When You’re Stuck at Home!

We are cooped up and stressed out! What we need now more than ever is exercise to improve our physical strength, mental health, reduce our stress and help develop our […]

Fit For The Slopes

Week One If it’s raining in the city, it's snowing on the mountains! Can't you feel it now…the speed, the adrenaline, the powder, the wind rushing through your hair, the crisp […]

September Shred

Kids are back to school and now it’s back to YOU! Summer vacations are over, school is back in session and many are ready to make their health and fitness […]

Increase Your After-Burn

Have you ever wondered why you continue to breathe heavy and sweat after your workout is done?  Why doesn't your breathing go back to normal immediately? After exercise, you consume a […]

Park Workout – Week 3

Strength and Cardio Interval Workout Over the past couple weeks, we’ve been reviewing exercises you can do at the park. Today we’ll continue using nothing more than your body weight and […]

Park Workout – Week 2

Circuit in the Park Last week, we used nothing but a swing set for a fabulous full body workout. Today, you’ll learn a circuit workout you can do to condition your […]

Low Impact Does Not Mean Low Intensity

With the popularity of HITT (High Intensity Interval Training) which includes many high impact activities like Burpees, Jump Squats. Skipping, Running and various other explosive movements, it may seem like […]

Monitor Your HEART!

At Northwest Personal Training, we have recently implemented a new system called Fit-Metrix which tracks our clients’ heart rate during workouts, time in each training zones, calories burned and more. […]

Cross-train Your Way to Your BEST Self

Last weekend I participated in a Paddleboard Triathlon, something I’ve never done before. We started racing on Paddleboards, then transitioned to a bike and finished with a run. It was […]

Spring Into Shape For Summer – Week 12

You did it! Can you believe we’re at Week 12?! But remember with fitness, you can’t start and stop.  In order to maintain results and health and fitness benefits, it’s […]

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