romantic meals

A New Year

Holidays over; new year begun; time for resolutions and reflection. Here are some of mine: 1. I'll be blogging here once a week, on Wednesdays, from now on so I can […]

Light and Love

I've written quite a bit about the bread and wine part of the trio I mention in the blog name. Now it's time to give the third part some mention. […]

Feeding My Characters

So, I have my hero and heroine falling in love with each other. What next? Why, I find a way to get them eating something romantic. At the beginning of […]

Not A Candy Bar In Sight

Halloween is over and with luck you managed to get rid of all the candy. So for tonight, how about something easy to fix but with romantic overtones? Spaghetti. Not […]

What I Meant To Say Was…

How could I have forgotten I had just posted the mushroom soup recipe Jake had fixed for Danny in my last romance novel? What a silly error. So, for this […]

First Picnic of the Summer

Summer, it appears, is about to close in on us with a vengeance. Time to dust off the picnic basket, grab a soft blanket and some big pillows and head […]

Summer Solstice For Two

It doesn't feel much like summer this week but today is the official summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Even if you can't tell by the weather that […]

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