
What’s up with the chip aisle?

Let’s talk about the chip aisle. Have you been down the chip aisle at your local grocery store lately? It’s pretty horrifying. The other day, a colleague of mine sent me the […]

Return of the Twinkie

Twinkies made their grand reappearance today after an eight-month hiatus. “The sweetest comeback in the history of ever” – the new box logo – included some changes for Twinkie. First, the new […]

‘Heart attack on a hook’

Restaurant menus often take a beating over the healthfulness of their offerings. So what does a restaurant have to offer in order to be deemed the “worst restaurant meal in America?” Serve […]

Frappuccino calorie count

Next time you go to order a grande Caramel Frappuccino, you’ll be faced with the blended drink’s calorie count. Starbucks announced today all of its stores’ menu boards will include caloric […]

Tweens ignore calorie info

When it comes to calorie counts at fast food restaurants, most tweens and teens just don’t care. A new study published in the Journal of Public Health surveyed youth ages 9-18 […]

Big Mac calorie counts

I’ll admit it. I never thought the fast food giant McDonald’s would post its calorie counts on its menus. Why would they? Most fast food loyalists aren’t interested in watching their […]

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