
Weight-gain denial

Apparently, Americans are in weight-gain denial. Researchers at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington discovered that while U.S. obesity rates are rising, Americans tend to […]

Healthy Olympics intro

The opening ceremony for the 2012 London Olympics aired Friday night. One 11-minute segment of the ceremony has sparked quite a bit of discussion in the days that followed. That […]

Inactive Americans

More than 40 percent of Americans – and 31 percent of the world’s population – are considered physically inactive. And while women may be the fairer sex, they’re also the […]

Healthy travel reminders

With summer comes summer travel. As you prepare to hit the road (or sky) this summer, there are a few things you don’t want to forget. While vacation packing checklists usually include […]

At-home HIV testing approved

Now, in as little as 20 minutes, a person can find out if he or she is HIV positive in the privacy of their own home. Today the U.S. Food […]

What Supreme Court decision?

As a health reporter, I’m probably more tuned-in to health issues than the average person. I get that. But the findings from a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll regarding the Supreme […]

HIV Testing Day

In case you hadn’t heard, today is National HIV Testing Day. Nearly 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV. The scary part? About one in five don’t even know they’re infected. Many […]

No skinny people allowed

Watch out fit folks: Some gyms are banning skinny people from their facilities. In an effort to be more plus-size friendly, some fitness centers are banning – or at least discouraging […]

Tanning risks don’t phase youth

A new survey shows young adults know using tanning beds is risky for one’s health. But, they reason, “everything causes cancer these days” so they hop in a tanning bed anyway. The […]

Weight of the world

Forget looking at the Weight of the Nation. How about the weight of the world? According to data from the World Health Organization and the United Nations, the entire adult population […]

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