
Housework and waistlines

Hey ladies, wanna lose a few pounds? Just grab the vacuum and get to work. A new study found that one reason American women are overweight may be because we are […]

Fat letters

One school district’s approach at combating obesity is facing criticism from parents of students who received “fat letters.” Schools in North Andover, Mass., measured students’ height and weight to determine their […]

Lip balm addiction

Here’s one “addiction” without negative effects. That constant need to apply – and reapply – lip balm isn’t detrimental to your health, despite the urban legends that suggest the opposite. “Having a […]

Diet fork

Ever wish you had a fork to sound an alarm when you’re eating like a Hoover vacuum? No? Well, let’s say you do. The new HAPIfork does just that. The smart-fork knows […]

Breakfast soda

Having a tough time deciding between coffee and juice with your breakfast? Well, the folks at PepsiCo have a new option: breakfast soda. Beginning Feb. 25, you can wash your eggs down […]

Country of plastics

When it comes to plastic surgery, we’re No. 1. U.S. plastic surgeons perform more nips, tucks and lifts than surgeons in any other country. In 2011, Americans received more than 1 million […]

Fat-shaming into weight loss

Public health efforts to reverse America’s growing obesity epidemic aren’t working fast enough for one prominent bioethicist. Daniel Callahan, a senior research scholar and president emeritus of The Hastings Center, is […]

Obese driving risk

Here’s an obesity stat you may not have heard before: Obese drivers are significantly more likely to die in a traffic collision than people of normal weight. That’s according to new […]

Achoo! I blame you

What’s the best way to feel better if you have the flu? Find someone to blame for your misery. At least that’s the premise behind a new Facebook app, “Help, I […]

Girl Scouts unveil vitamin cookie

Like Girl Scout cookies? Take vitamin supplements? Well now you can have both – in one cookie. The Girl Scouts of the USA have unveiled a new cookie in their lineup: Mango […]

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