
Making impalpable breast cancer tumors palpable

Ilene LeClaire’s breast cancer journey prompted her husband to find a solution for impalpable tumors. That solution is currently in the research phase and is now moving closer to the operating […]

Tanning beds can lead to hospital visits

People visiting tanning beds may leave with more than an unseasonal glow. New research found thousands of people each year end up in emergency rooms with tanning salon-related injuries. The study […]

Tips from Former Smokers campaign returns on investment

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s popular “Tips from Former Smokers” ad campaign provided an “outstanding return on investment,” according to a new analysis. The 2012 anti-smoking campaign, which featured […]

Washington is 13th healthiest state

Washington ranked 13th healthiest state in this year’s America’s Health Rankings produced by United Health Foundation. The rankings highlight Washington’s strengths – low prevalence of physical inactivity, low prevalence of low […]

Smoke from one hour of hookah equal to 150 cigarettes

New research shows that in a one-hour hookah smoking session users inhale as much smoke as someone puffing on 150 cigarettes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at the […]

CDC: Flu vaccine might not be good match

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health advisory Wednesday, notifying providers that this year’s flu vaccine may not be a good match for circulating strains. While flu activity […]

College students admit prescription drug abuse

One in five college students admit to abusing prescription stimulants at least once in their lives – a rate higher than non-students. The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids conducted a nationally represented […]

Only 30 percent of Americans with HIV have virus in check

A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found only 30 percent of people living with HIV have achieved viral suppression. Viral suppression means having low levels of HIV in […]

Obesity costs $2 trillion globally

A new study found obesity’s global economic impact is about $2 trillion – nearly as much as smoking. A research paper by McKinsey Global Institute concludes more than 2.1 billion people […]

Lilliane’s scleroderma story

Lilliane Grahek was only 2 years old when she was diagnosed with an incurable disease. Scleroderma is a rare disease that involves the hardening and tightening of the skin and connective […]

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