
Health care’s dramatic cost variation

Hospitals across the U.S. charge tens of thousands of dollars more than other hospitals for the same procedures – sometimes within the same metro areas. That was a key finding of […]

Smoking costs Washingtonians $1.7 million in lifetime

A pack-a-day smoker in Washington spends more than $1 million on tobacco and hundreds of thousands more on smoking-related costs. In light of Tobacco-Free Awareness Week, WalletHub calculated the financial costs […]

Study: Workaholics are riskier drinkers

A new study found people who work long hours are more likely to increase their alcohol consumption to levels that pose a health risk. The study, published in the journal BMJ, […]

Report: Alcohol poisoning kills six people every day

An average of six people die each day in the U.S. from alcohol poisoning. That’s equal to about 2,200 adults. The majority of alcohol poisoning deaths (76 percent) are among adults […]

Health benefits to pet ownership

A new survey found physicians overwhelmingly believe there are health benefits to owning pets. The Human Animal Bond Research Initiative Foundation partnered with Cohen Research Group to conduct an online survey […]

Providence ditches soda

Providence has a New Year’s resolution we can all get behind: Swapping sugary drinks for healthier choices. Beginning this week, Providence in Oregon is phasing out sugary drinks in its dining […]

Resolve to get pets healthier

New Year’s resolutions aren’t only for humans – our four-legged friends can benefit from healthier routines as well. Doctors from ACCES, an emergency veterinary hospital in Seattle, are encouraging pet owners […]

Stick with printed word before bed

While some may find reading a book at bedtime relaxing, researchers say it’s best to reach for the paperback rather than the e-reader. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston […]

Sick states

Washington is the sixth healthiest state, based on illness reports posted to social media. Sickweather – an app that scans social networks for indicators of illness – recently conducted a study […]

‘Eggnog: Not ideal for the lungs’

It’s all fun and games until someone inhales eggnog. A Utah County man had to learn that the hard way. At an office Christmas party earlier this month, Ryan Roche competed […]

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