
The growing individual insurance market

A new analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that the country’s individual insurance market grew 46 percent in the first year plans could be purchased on the marketplaces. Shocking, right? […]

The State of Clark County Air

The American Lung Association this week released its annual State of the Air report, and the Clark County received a mixed report. The report looks at the levels of ozone pollution […]

County alcohol data: 17% of locals binge drink

Clark County residents like their booze. Clark County and the state have higher drinking rates and heavy drinking rates than the national average, according to a new analysis of county-level drinking […]

Public opinion split on ACA

This month’s Kaiser Family Foundation health tracking poll shows that public opinion on the Affordable Care Act remains nearly evenly split. But for the first time since November 2012, the share […]

E-cigarette use tripled among youth in one year

The number of middle and high school students using electronic cigarettes increased dramatically from 2013 to 2014, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The 2014 […]

Survey: Insurers misinform women on contraceptive coverage

A secret shopper survey conducted last year revealed health insurers in Washington systematically gave women false or inaccurate information about contraceptive coverage. Under the Affordable Care Act, health insurers must cover […]

Study: Cigarette warning labels with pictures more effective

It’s not enough to tell young adults about the dangers of smoking; they need to see the damaging effects of smoking, as well. A new study by a Washington State University […]

Breast milk for sale online may contain cow’s milk

Breast milk isn’t always breast milk when it’s sold online. That’s the finding of a new study published Monday on the safety of breast milk sold on the Internet. (Yes, people […]

Kidney failure from iced tea

For an Arkansas man, too much of a good thing led to kidney failure. Doctors traced a 56-year-old man’s kidney failure to drinking an excessive amount of iced tea – a […]

“Exploding heads” more common than once thought

Exploding heads don’t only occur in Saturday morning cartoons. In fact, the syndrome may even be more common, particularly among young people, than previously thought. Washington State University researchers found an unexpectedly […]

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