
Dentists: Men, brush your teeth (and floss)

Fewer than 50 percent of men brush their teeth twice a day, according to Delta Dental of Washington. Men are also less likely to seek preventive care from a dentist until […]

Melanoma rates double in 30 years

The rates of deadly skins cancers have doubled in the last three decades, according to a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report. Melanoma rates doubled between 1982 and 2011, […]

Relax, Washingtonians

Washingtonians are pretty stressed people. News website Vox shared Census Bureau data compiled by the Movoto Real Estate blog that was used to rank the most stressed states in America. The data […]

Survey says: Local stores offering better choices for youth

The Hudson’s Bay High School Prevention Club surveyed neighborhood stores about the messages they send to youth and found promising results – and plenty of areas for improvement. The Clark County […]

Companion animals may ease anxiety in kids with autism

Children with autism spectrum disorders may benefit from being in the presence of animals. A new study funded in part by the National Institutes of Health found children with autism spectrum […]

Preschoolers aren’t getting enough exercise

An observational study of Seattle preschoolers found the children were presented with only 48 minutes of active play opportunities per day. The most frequent active play opportunity was outdoor free play […]

Insured but can’t afford medical care

Twenty-five percent of adults who purchased health plans last year went without needed medical care because they couldn’t afford it. A report released Thursday by Families USA revealed that those who […]

FDA to lift blood donation ban on gay men

The Food and Drug Administration issued “draft guidance” Tuesday that, if finalized, would lift the blood donation ban on men who have sex with men. The FDA guidance proposes lifting the […]

Influenza season comes to an end

This flu season, Clark County recorded five influenza-associated deaths and seven outbreaks in long-term care facilities. Those stats were included in Clark County Public Health’s 2014-15 flu season summary issued Thursday. Flu […]

Study: Whooping cough vaccine protection fades

A study conducted during Washington’s whooping cough epidemic in 2012 found that adolescents' protection from the Tdap booster wanes within two to four years. Acellular pertussis vaccines (the pertussis component contains […]

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