
ACA requirement saves women money

Women saved hundreds of dollars in the first year after the Affordable Care Act required insurers to cover prescription contraceptives. The health law required the coverage of most forms of prescription […]

Most adults favor raising smoking age

The majority of smokers and nonsmokers in a recent survey agree: the smoking age should be raised. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention article, 75 percent of American […]

10,500 fireworks-related injuries in 2014

An average of seven people die each year from fireworks-related injuries. From 2000 to 2014, the U.S. recorded 106 fireworks-related deaths – that includes at least 11 deaths last year, according […]

Most Americans know little, nothing about King v. Burwell

More than 60 percent of Americans said they know only a little or nothing at all about the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that federal subsidies for health coverage are legal. The […]

Saving millions with sodium reduction

Washington state could save $432 million in health care costs if its residents would reduce their salt intake by half of a teaspoon per day. A new analysis by the Center […]

Xtreme eating “dishonorees”

One meal from Red Lobster, paired with its trademarked margarita, contains 3,600 calories and four days’ worth of sodium – a feat that earned the meal the top spot among […]

Using berries to convert excess fat into calorie-burning fat

Washington State University scientists have found a way to convert excess white fat into calorie-burning beige fat – and all it takes is a daily dose of berries. In the study, […]

Average American woman weighs as much as man in 1960s

The average American woman now weighs 166 pounds – the same amount as the average man in the 1960s. In the last 50 years, the average weight of a woman has […]

Put a hot dog on it

Pizza Hut confirmed today its newest pizza crust will be made of little crust-wrapped hot dogs. Last month, Carl’s Jr. unveiled its “Most American Thickburger” – a burger topped with a […]

Surgical ‘never events’ aren’t really never events

Well, this is horrifying. A new review of surgical “never events” – serious, preventable surgical events that should never, ever happen – found an estimated one wrong-site surgery per 100,000 procedures […]

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