
Women are beginning to drink like men

Men have long been heavier drinkers than women, but a new study shows the gap in narrowing in the U.S. An analysis by researchers with the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse […]

Quarter of moms-to-be may not follow vaccination schedule

A new study found that 75 percent of first-time expectant mothers plan to follow the recommended vaccination schedule for their children. That’s great. But what about the other 25 percent? Well, 10.5 […]

Food safety tips for the holiday season

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, health officials are offering tips to prevent serving a side of salmonella with your holiday turkey. Each year, an estimated 48 million people in the U.S. get […]

Study: 10 percent of adults have had drug use disorder

A new survey of American adults revealed that about 10 percent have had a drug use disorder at some point in their lives. The study – funded by the National Institute […]

Cleveland Clinic to study uterus transplants

The Cleveland Clinic is launching a clinical trial to explore the possibility of uterine transplantation. You read that correctly. Researchers want to transplant uteruses from deceased donors into 10 women with uterine […]

CDC: Multistate food outbreaks less common, more serious

Multistate food outbreaks may be becoming less common, but they cause more illness, hospitalizations and deaths than other foodborne outbreaks. A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

CDC links parasite cancer cells to human tumors

As if parasites weren’t worrisome enough, researchers recently discovered that cancer cells in a common tapeworm can cause cancer-like tumors in humans. Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

Kaiser publishes physician ratings

Patients at Kaiser Permanente – or those considering a Kaiser health plan – can now see how other patients have rated their physicians. Kaiser announced on Wednesday that it’s now publishing […]

Really sick or faking it?

While health officials and employers often encourage people to stay home when they’re ill, most people don’t believe their coworkers when they call in sick. Cold-EEZE, a zinc lozenge cold treatment, […]

CDC issues health alert on fentanyl-related overdoses

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have issued a health alert due to increases in fentanyl drug confiscations and fentanyl-related overdose fatalities. The CDC and Drug Enforcement Administration are investigating […]

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