
Your cat can enjoy the season’s holidays with…pumpkin!

With Halloween just behind us and Thanksgiving only a couple of weeks away, it seems like pumpkins are everywhere you look.  And this is good news for your kitty, because […]

Halloween is a dangerous time for cats

Halloween is a wonderful opportunity for people to have fun, but for cats it can be a dangerous time. Throughout history a small faction of society has had a love-hate […]

The Internet is for Cat People, too

Someone once said... "The internet is full of cat people because dog people go outside." I couldn't tell you who said that, but I've seen it everywhere online. As a cat person, […]

$9 for nine lives

I follow quite a few of the Humane Society and rescue groups on Facebook. My husband volunteers for Family Dogs New Life shelter in Portland as a photographer and I […]

A little black cat crossed my path

I remember the day my mother, sister and I went to pick out our first cat. The room was small and noisy and the walls were lined with cages, filled with […]

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