
Mielke looking for help from on high

Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke wants to get a prayer in before he conducts county business. Mielke said earlier this week that he's interested in introducing a brief invocation period before […]

The long and winding Wednesday

Clark County commissioners will now be taking an extra 30 minutes between their work sessions from now on. I wasn't there for the discussion (I was in Kelso), but the change […]

Parks talk likely to get more direct

Those of you interested in Clark County Commissioner David Madore's January announcement that park fees would be eliminated were probably a little disappointed by the lack of depth to the […]

Stuart responds to county’s CRC opposition

Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart was out sick for Tuesday's meeting where Commissioners David Madore and Tom Mielke approved a resolution opposingĀ  the Columbia River Crossing. He returned to work Wednesday, […]

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