Ridgefield’s Veterans Memorial

Ridgefield has had a Veterans Memorial since the end of the First World War. It was originally placed at the entrance to the old Ridgefield High School. Over the years it has been moved and new plaques from World War II and Vietnam have been placed close to the original memorial which now resides next to the Ridgefield Fire Station. Unfortunately it has not been kept up to date – there are at least 11 missing names – or maintained.

Ridgefield American Legion Post 44 has determined that now is the time to bring it up to date, add the missing names and make it a place to be noticed and respected. The design, a model of which is shown above, has been completed and construction will begin soon. The goal is to have it completed and ready to commemorate on Veterans Day, November 11, 2012.

Most of the work will be done by Post members and volunteers. The cost of the materials will be about $11,000. To date the Post has raised $2,400. The additional $8,700 will be raised by selling bricks with Veterans names on them and placed on a wall behind the Memorial. The cost to have a brick with your Veterans name on it will be $100. Because of the cost of the bricks, 104 must be sold to complete the project. The wall will be designed to hold more than those 104.

To purchase a brick please contact the Post by calling Bob’s Auto at 360-887-8351 or contact Bruce Crockett at 360-607-9848.

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