The importance of a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables was the topic of our “5 or 50” Women’s Sustainable Weight Loss & Healthy Lifestyle Group meeting last night. As you know, I’m a huge advocate of a mostly plant based diet. So, no surprise, it’s a topic our group has explored more than once. I’m proud to say the ladies have taken heed to our conversations.

Our guest speakers Greg and Keith (our first time having guys at the meeting) are reps from Monavie. Monavie has this cool new VIEW scanner or what the fellas call the “Fruit/Vegetable Lie Detector.”  The Monavie VIEW scanner helps determine if you are getting enough antioxidants. After scanning the ladies in our group, the entire group (even the newcomer) scored with medium to high levels of antioxidants. Yes! We passed with flying colors. The fellas said it was the first time ever that they had a group collectively score this high. Yes! Yes! Yes!
I say it again,  Eat Your Colors.

Life Scores from our group: Four scored purple including myself, three scored green, and one scored blue.
Read more about the VIEW scanner and Life Score here.

See a recent blog post on the importance of fruits, veggies, and antioxidants here.

Chrisetta Mosley

Chrisetta Mosley

I am a product – and now a survivor – of childhood obesity. As a child, my family always told me that my extra weight was merely baby fat and I’d eventually grow out of it. I never did. Instead, my childhood is filled with memories of not being able to ride a bike, flattening its training wheels from being over the recommended weight, and avoiding P.E. classes by any means necessary. For years, I wore my fatness like a wounded soldier wears a Purple Heart - with pride. I owned the look. I dressed it up. I worked the room. There wasn't a skinny girl who intimidated me. I made sure my hair was laid just right. Nails polished. Outfits coordinated to the tee. Accessories to compliment every outfit. But everyone has a breaking point, and mine came in the spring of 2004 when I tipped the scale at nearly 400 pounds 388 to be exact. I was MISERABLE trapped inside of that body. I no longer wore my Purple Heart with pride. Rather, I was ashamed and frightened. Ashamed that I had allowed food to become my everything – frightened I would die because of it. Drastic times called for drastic measures... Today, I’m bound and determined to live a better, healthier, active lifestyle. I realize I’m no longer a passenger in my life, I’m the driver. I’m overcoming my inhibitions and I’m slowly but surely saying farewell to my old childhood nemesis, obesity. For once and for all, Farewell Fatso!

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